Do you dream of studying at a top U.S. university? If yes, then U.Essay is your golden ticket!

What This Course Offers You:

Our expertly crafted system helped students secure over $7,000,000 in funding at top U.S. universities like Yale, Brown, and Barnard. From crafting exceptional admission essays to securing full-ride grants that make education affordable, we will guide you every step of the way.
Here’s What You’ll Master:
  • Strategic Essay Writing
    Create engaging essays that showcase your unique strengths and personal story. Stand out in the fiercely competitive applicant pool with the U.Essay system.
  • Maximize Admission Offers
    Leverage proven insights on increasing your admission chances at prestigious schools with all-time low acceptance rates.
  • Secure Grants and Scholarships
    We don’t stop at getting you accepted. We make sure you have the financial resources to support your education!
U.Essay Admission Stories:
  • Sofiya G.
    Yale University
    From early decision rejection to securing $347,548 in funding, U.Essay transformed her application story, leading to her dream acceptance!
  • Maria G.
    Barnard College
    With our support, Maria crafted a story that resonated deeply with the admissions committee, resulting in $869,716 funding at Barnard, Wake Forest, and Case Western Reserve!
  • Veronika G.
    Brown University
    Faced with essay challenges, Veronika was empowered by U.Essay and secured over $320,000 funding at Brown University!
Join U.Essay graduates who secured over $7,000,000 in funding to study in America!
Why This Course Will Change Your Life:

Hi! My name is Anastasiya (aka Stasi), and I created U.Essay just for you.

I’ve spent over a decade turning potential into success. Many of my students had doubts about studying in the U.S., but with the U.Essay system, they're not just studying but excelling with scholarships!

Keep on reading - you can be next.
What You'll Get:
12 Detailed Video Modules
Follow step-by-step instructions to write winning admission essays (personal and supplemental).
50+ Essential Essay Crafting Techniques
Leverage all U.Essay instruments in every essay for 100% guaranteed acceptance to any university on your list.
30+ Worksheets, Checklists & Templates
From overcoming writer's block and lack of ideas to polishing every word in your final draft, we've got you covered!
27 Examples Of Essays That Got Funding
Get insights into essays that won over $3,300,000 in funding at Harvard, Yale, Brown, Dartmouth, Andover, Exeter and more!
3 Hours Of Instant Access Content
Every minute counts. Get results fast in your deadline grind.
One Year Access
Start now. It's never too early to write your admission essay!
Just $697 for all this!
What U.Essay Students Say:
  • I got rejected the first time I applied to study in America. I struggled to convey my background and ideas in compelling essays. That’s when I sought out U.Essay. In this unique course, I transformed my experiences into my self-selling story and crafted perfect essays aligned with my personal goals and university values. I applied Early Decision and got accepted at Yale University with a full ride!
    Maria H., accepted at Yale University with $359,196 funding
  • In 1 month, Stasi helped me grow from ED rejection to Yale admission. She helped me see that I was rejected due to surface-level essays, inauthentic story, and chaos. I was afraid to show my true self. Stasi showed me how to make my power shine in my Yale application💙

    After just one month, I was astonished! My essays became mature and detailed and conveyed my story.
    Sofiya G., accepted at Yale University with $347,548 funding
  • I had achievements in sciences and leadership but didn't know how to tell my story. I had no clue how to write personal essays - and you can't write about academics only if you want to get in.

    U.Essay showed me how to craft unique essays. I understood the values of such illustrious universities and the motives of admissions committees that select students.

    And U.Essay is not just about writing skills. I especially enjoyed personal coaching - mentors helped me uncover things about myself I never suspected.

    I got into the University of Richmond, and Washington and Lee University with a full ride!
    Yan S., accepted at University of Richmond and Washington and Lee University with total funding of $711,400
  • I was confused, wrestling with writer's block, and feeling lost in a sea of uninspiring ideas. I was desperately looking for a way out.

    And wow, what a transformation! U.Essay was a game-changer for me. I learned how to overcome writer's block, to reflect and produce impeccable essays.

    But that's not all - I used to shy away from networking, but now I know how to present myself and build successful connections. I've made significant strides in my career on top of writing stellar essays for U.S. admissions!

    U.Essay was a turning point for me - I got into JHU with a full ride. I gained confidence, skills, and tangible results. Thank you for this transformative experience❤️
    Lera N., accepted at John Hopkins University with $351,236 funding
Why It's Now Or Never

Don't wait to get rejected after choosing the wrong story or submitting a ChatGPT essay (yes, admission officers can tell you didn't write it).

Sure, you can re-apply next year while your classmates make progress on their degrees. But how many times will you have to try? Next thing you know, you'll be a 30-year-old sitting in a classroom full of 18-year-olds!

Instead of losing time, follow the proven U.Essay system to know exactly what to write in your essays to get accepted.
What's included:
Chapter 1: What Is Your Story?
  • Find out what makes you unique
  • Discover the ultimate key to all admission essays with over 30 checklists, templates and worksheets
  • Never stare at a blank page again

Chapter 2: How To Tell Your Story To Stand Out
  • Master the system to write exceptional admission essays with 50+ essential techniques
  • Tell a clear and easy-to-remember story
  • Highlight your character to stand out

Chapter 3: How To Boost Ranking And Funding
  • Leverage insights from essays that got into Harvard, Yale and more with $3,300,000 funding
  • Polish every single word in your essay
  • Master the system to write dozens of admission essays with ease
A Few Of Our Admission Offers: